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Text and Byte


This command lets you send text data to a websocket server.

$ ws text -h
Usage: ws text [OPTIONS] URL MESSAGE

  Sends text message on URL endpoint.

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

Example usage

The basic usage is at follows:

$ ws text wss:// "hello world"
Sent 11.0 B of data over the wire.

The previous command sends 11 bytes of data to the websocket server. So yeah the meaning of B here is bytes. The following abbreviations are used for different types of unit:

  • B => bytes
  • KB => kilobytes
  • MB => megabytes
  • GB => gigabytes (the highest unit)

If you want to pass json data, it should be a json string.

$ ws text wss:// '{"hello": "world"}'
Sent 18.0 B of data over the wire.

If you want to send a lot of data at once, it is not very convenient to pass it as a raw string. You can pass a file and the command will send its content.

# long_text.txt
This is a very long message!
$ ws text wss:// file@long_text.txt
Sent 28.0 B of data over the wire.

Note that the pattern is file@ followed by the path to the file to read.


This command lets you send binary data to a websocket server.

$ ws byte -h
Usage: ws byte [OPTIONS] URL MESSAGE

  Sends binary message to URL endpoint.

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

Example usage

Basic usage:

$ ws byte wss:// "hello world"
Sent 11.0 B of data over the wire.

The usage is similar to the text command, so feel free to look at the examples above.