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You can install the cli with pip:

$ pip install websockets-cli

or use a better package manager like poetry:

# you probably want to add this dependency as a dev one, this is why I put -D into square brackets
$ poetry add websockets-cli -G dev

ws starts working from python3.8 and also supports pypy3. It has the following dependencies:

To confirm the installation works, you can type the command name in the terminal.

$ ws

  A convenient websocket cli.

  Example usage:

  # listens incoming messages from endpoint ws://localhost:8000/path
  $ ws listen ws://localhost:8000/path

  # sends text "hello world" in a text frame
  $ ws text wss:// "hello world"

  # sends the content from json file "hello.json" in a binary frame
  $ ws byte wss:// file@hello.json

  --version   Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  byte                Sends binary message to URL endpoint.
  echo-server         Runs an echo websocket server.
  install-completion  Install completion script for bash, zsh and fish...
  listen              Listens messages on a given URL.
  ping                Pings a websocket server located at URL.
  pong                Sends a pong to websocket server located at URL.
  session             Opens an interactive session to communicate with...
  tail                An emulator of the tail unix command that output...
  text                Sends text message on URL endpoint.